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Ready to take your entrepreneurship to the next level but aren’t sure where to go next? We’ve set up this handy lil’ side hustle quiz so you can get an idea of what to check out.

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Welcome, I’m Tae!!

I’ve been on my freelance journey since I unexpectedly quit my job in 2017. I was overwhelmed, tired of the corporate life, and ready for something else. Here I am 5 years later living an *AMAZING* life beachside in Mexico — and I want to help you do the same.

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They say the first job’s the hardest to find. Our FREE handy little guide will help you find one that you love:
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Freelance Insights

Curious to know if the freelance lifestyle is for you? These freelancers have built note-worthy businesses. Check out their stories:

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Grow Your Business

Manage Your Business

Spreadsheets and post-its are NOT a great way to run a freelance business, instead I liked to make tools that make my life easier. Here are a few that might help you out: